Critical Thinking Skills

  • Analyze a problem and identify issues relevant to a potential solution.
  • Determine which areas of law are relevant to a particular situation.
  • Identify interrelationships among cases, statutes, regulations, and other legal authorities.
  • Synthesize and apply recognized legal authority to the solution of the problem.
  • Formulate logical solutions to problems; construct logical arguments in support of specific positions; evaluate solutions and arguments.
  • Identify and evaluate alternative solutions.
  • Apply principles of professional ethics to specific factual situations.
  • Analyze factual situations to determine when it is appropriate to apply exceptions to general legal rules.
  • Apply exceptions to general legal rules.
  • Distinguish evidentiary facts from other material and/or controlling facts.
  • Identify factual omissions and inconsistencies.
  • Discern and analyze the law applicable to all parties to a dispute.

Organizational Skills

  • Sort information by category.
  • Prioritize assignments and client needs.
  • Manage information and client files manually and electronically.
  • Understand and use manual and electronic calendaring systems.
  • Understand and utilize e-filing systems.
  • Understand the ethical guidelines associated with file and client information maintenance.
  • When appropriate, manage social media on behalf of an employer.
  • Provide appropriate hearing/trial assistance through the organization and maintenance of evidence.
  • Create materials that show organizational skills like trial notebooks.
  • Utilize time efficiently.

General Communication Skills

  • Interact effectively, in person, by telephone, in written and electronic correspondence with lawyers, clients, witnesses, court personnel, co-workers, and other business professionals.
  • Conduct effective interviews with clients, witnesses, and experts.
  • Exhibit tact and diplomacy; distinguish between assertive and aggressive behavior; apply assertive behavior techniques.
  • Adapt to situations as they arise.
  • Multi-task.
  • Understand the need to ask questions and seek guidance when appropriate.
  • Identify attributes of a team player; work effectively as part of a team.
  • Work independently and with a minimal amount of supervision when appropriate.
  • Understand the boundaries, limitations, and prohibitions related to communications with opposing counsel, opposing parties, and court personnel.

Computer Skills

Levels of computer literacy and proficiency required in the typical law office continue to increase.

  • Define and identify basic computer hardware components and mobile devices.
  • Identify and describe typical software, information systems, and social media encountered in the legal environment.
  • Locate, read, and comprehend software licenses; understand ethical implications and penalties for illegal copying or use.
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of operating systems environments for PCs, Macs, Tablets, and Pads.
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of Smartphone technology and systems.
  • Demonstrate word processing program features, including preparing, editing, saving, and retrieving documents.
  • Describe spreadsheet program features; prepare a basic spreadsheet and graph.
  • Describe database program features; prepare a basic database.
  • Describe presentation software program features (slides, graphics, sound); prepare a basic presentation.
  • Describe features of law office time-keeping and billing software; identify ethical issues arising from their use.
  • Describe computerized litigation support programs; compare to manual methods.
  • Describe case management and information management software; compare to manual methods.
  • Describe features of computerized docket control systems; identify ethical problems relating to docket control.
  • Access legal and non-legal data on the Internet; compare search engines; evaluate site reliability.
  • Use e-mail functions and social media; describe ethical issues (cloud computing, e-communications).
  • Describe the process for electronic filing of court documents; compare to manual filing; identify ethical issues.
  • Perform computer-assisted legal research and Internet factual research.
  • Identify factors and issues to consider when purchasing legal-specific software.

Interviewing & Investigation Skills

Applies critical thinking, organizational, communication, research, and computer skills.

  • Identify and locate witnesses, potential parties to a suit, and experts.
  • Develop and conduct effective interviews; accurately record interviews.
  • Locate and request public records; interpret and apply the information obtained.
  • Prepare releases and requests to obtain medical, corporate, and other non-governmental records; interpret and apply the information.
  • Locate and apply rules of evidence and procedure to document acquisition, witness/party/expert testimony.
  • Perform Internet searches to obtain relevant and reliable information.

The Paralegal Profession & Ethical Obligations

Knowledge of the role of the paralegal in the delivery of legal services, ethics, and professional values.

  • Understand the legal process and nature of law practice, emphasizing the paralegal’s role.
  • Understand functions and tasks commonly performed by paralegals; the respective roles of the legal team.
  • Recognize the evolving role of non-lawyers in legal services and efforts to increase access to justice.
  • Identify professional associations serving paralegals; understand the importance of professional engagement.
  • Understand legal and ethical principles guiding paralegal conduct (e.g., confidentiality, conflicts of interest, etc.).
  • Identify and resolve ethical dilemmas encountered in the workplace.
  • Recognize the importance of continuing education for paralegals.

Law Office Management Skills

Basic knowledge of fundamental law office management and organization is essential to the entry-level paralegal.

  • Identify and explain basic principles of management.
  • Explain issues relating to employment and promotion of paralegals.
  • Identify and describe the different types of law offices, including management and personnel structure.
  • Explain different administrative and support roles performed by lawyers and non-lawyers.
  • Describe law office billing practices, accounting systems, and methods for determining costs of legal services.
  • Understand administrative systems (client relations, conflict management, docket systems, billing, risk management).
  • Explain the role of technology in managing and administering a law office.
  • Identify and explain acceptable marketing and advertising practices for promoting legal services.