Recognizing individuals for outstanding service and achievement in paralegal and legal studies education.
AAfPE provides the opportunity to recognize individuals who portray outstanding service and achievement in paralegal and legal studies education. AAfPE accepts nominations for the following awards:
If you are interested in nominating someone for an AAfPE Award, please complete the online nomination form and upload any supporting documentation required by August 20 of each year.
An honorary, emeritus status may be conferred annually upon two (2) persons who have provided outstanding service to the organization, but are no longer actively involved in paralegal education through AAfPE. Honorary membership status confers on the individual lifetime membership in the organization, a digital subscription to The Legal Educator, and complimentary registration to the National Conference. Nominations for Honorary membership must be supported by a letter of recommendation from two different voting AAfPE member institutions. The award is presented at the national conference.
AAfPE is pleased to honor the following members who have given their time and talent to the association: